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dr hab. Joanna Zawiejska

Instytut Biologii i Nauk o Ziemi, Katedra Geografii Fizycznej

tel: +48 12 662 6266

pok: 534

ORCID: 0000-0002-1242-1094


Galia, T., Tichavský, R., Wyżga‬‬, B., Mikuś, P., Zawiejska, J. (2022). Assessing patterns of spatial distribution of large wood in semi-natural, single-thread channels of Central Europe. Catena, 215, id. 106315.

Wyżga, B., Liro, M., Mikuś, P., Radecki-Pawlik, A., Zawiejska, J.,Plesiński K. (2021). Changes of fluvial processes caused by the restoration of an incised mountain stream. Ecological Engineering, 168, Art. 106286.

Hajdukiewicz, H., Wyżga, B., Zawiejska, J. (2019). Twentieth-century hydromorphological degradation of Polish Carpathian rivers. Quaternary International, 504, 181-194.

Wyżga, B., Zawiejska, J., Gurnell, A.M. (2018). Effects and persistence of river restoration measures : Ecological, management and research implications. Science of the Total Environment, 628-629, 1098-1100.

Wyżga, B., Zawiejska, J., Hajdukiewicz, H. (2016). Multi-thread rivers in the Polish Carpathians: occurrence, decline and possibilities of restoration. Quaternary International, 415, 344-356.